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How to Fix Frequent Disconnect problems in Broadband Connections?

I usually get struck with browsing at times because of frequent disconnects. I had used VSNL, BSNL services and with both these I got the similar problems. Even when I was writing this content I got disconnects in regular successions. I just want to make this issue solve it now and search in google and found that most of the broadband connections got similar sort of frequent disconnects.

Incoming Quality of Packets (In this phone line will be noisy)
Check whether the phone line is noisy and if just contact your ISP’s to make connections properly. It takes only few seconds to sort out this issue and will make your browsing smoothly.

Internet Service Providers Issues
I had come across a bad time in accessing broadband that my download rate is in higher proportions and the upload rate it shows nil. These kinds of issue are commonly fixed by the ISP side servers. I even struggled to upload a small file through mail but these kinds of issues it will take more than a week to fix by that time I started using a new broadband connection. But these issues are with ISP side servers and these issues will be for a temporary period.
Splitter may be Fault
Splitter is a small device which is connected with incoming noise packets line which will splits to use a phone and to an ADSL modems. If this gets fault you can’t function the ADSL modems for this buy a splitter of your own or apply for a new one with ISP’s.

Problem with Router/ADSL Modems or Settings
This problems will make you mad for a time as you will be displayed with normal working conditions with modem but disconnects. I got an issue that my modem get resets of login with the ISP settings from then I was not able to connect my internet. I got all my connections properly and when I check with the internet providers they make me bring the modem for repair fortunately the fault was with the change of user settings which makes disconnect.

Loose connection with Splitter
If disconnect is regular after checking with ISP side you check with the wires are connected properly with splitter. This issues are simple and even be fix in seconds.

From one of the above broadband providers I got a bad treatment from them as I make several calls to fix the issues but failed and poor customer services. One thing I am sure that you need to drink more water if your broadband gets disconnects to make frequent calls at ISP’s.

1 Response to "How to Fix Frequent Disconnect problems in Broadband Connections?"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    i slapped the splitter into the line and boom it worked

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