Whois Guard Address 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd. #110 – 732?
Normally if we need to know about a site we will check it with Who.is but for many users I saw 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd. #110 – 732 as their address by hiding their original addresses.
Who.is Guard
Who.is is most often used by the modern day webmasters to know more whereabouts of a site but if the site owner is being used who.is guard they will be protected even if they are scammers. It was actually these members paying to activate who.is guard and hiding their real names. More or less Whois Guard is working like both sides of the coin and real beneficial is whois.
If your addresses are made publicly on whois then the spammers will send junk mails but if someone uses the who.is guard they will be protected and only those mails arisen from the real customers will be delivered.
How Whois Guard Working:
Who.is Guard
Who.is is most often used by the modern day webmasters to know more whereabouts of a site but if the site owner is being used who.is guard they will be protected even if they are scammers. It was actually these members paying to activate who.is guard and hiding their real names. More or less Whois Guard is working like both sides of the coin and real beneficial is whois.
If your addresses are made publicly on whois then the spammers will send junk mails but if someone uses the who.is guard they will be protected and only those mails arisen from the real customers will be delivered.
How Whois Guard Working:
Whois guard can be easily turned on/off as if it turns on the mails will be send to the xyz.protect@whoisguard.com address and then forwarded to the customers real addresses but if it was turned off you can track with all the details of a site. The only thing is they are protecting as a mask from the outside web world.